Hi! My name is Liam Frost and I'm one half of Fu Brothers (傅兄弟). I'm a hapa ABC. I love making music, videos, Taiwan, China, eating, teaching, and hanging out with friends. If you wanna follow me, check out our Youtube/FB pages below. We also have a youku: http://i.youku.com/u/id_UNDQwOTAwMDc2 Feel free to email me as well if you like the music :) Thanks so much! :)
50 American kids at a Chinese immersion camp in Pennsylvania sing '带你回来', an original Chinese song, with the 傅兄弟 'Fu Brothers' (Liam & Connor) and Terry Hsieh.
New fu bros video up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q5-5NbfYeo check it, people! Thanks for the support! ...10 years ago»
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDM0NTM1NjY0.html ...10 years ago»
Thanks! :) ...10 years ago»
Thank you! Appreciate it! ...10 years ago»