Short film by Danny Ho, of a man who breaks away from Chinese tradition of expected marriage and social norms to pursue his dreams in mixed martial arts (MMA).
A Chinese student living in North America is warped into an alternate reality where USA means United States of Asia & his people are the dominant race on Earth.
Dude you got it all wrong. He's talking about misplaced sexual frustration from not being able to get white women because "we don't go hit on them out in bars a ...8 years ago»
What is it with people thinking that this film is talking about interracial dating? That is what makes this discussion so pointless. What does me pulling out ho ...8 years ago»
Oops. I thought that was written into the script, I guess that dialogue came out wrong. Zheng He went back home instead of colonizing poor Native Americans. Tha ...8 years ago»
Thank you ...8 years ago»
It's not really a mystery that the film is saying Chinese is the dominant world even after Asians take it over... ...8 years ago»
That's kind of the point. You think however you want to think, the film just raises the hard questions that we ultimately have no answers for, as evidenced by t ...8 years ago»
Haha cool! ...8 years ago»
Yeah, it seems like nobody actually watched the film and came on to flame on about what their thought was on race / dating issues. Pathetic. Oh well. Sheep will ...8 years ago»
Exactly. They are scared to death to portray Asian men as strong and desirable. Watch the documentary The Slanted Screen. ...8 years ago»
Let me see... does the Chinese guy have to be shown speaking Chinese, eating noodles, throwing jump kicks and kung fu moves for him to be considered Chinese and ...8 years ago»